Saturday, March 12, 2011

Where To Get Disposable Camera Film Developed

"The Lord of the Rings" by JRR Tolkien

Hello everybody s:

Today I pass by here to discuss a book that I never tire of reading and rereading, " The Lord of the Rings" writer JRR Tolkien . This is an epic fantasy book, well-known throughout the world, and I read a thousand years ago on the beach, and I fell in love.

Tolkien in a stretch of the imagination, in my view, only puts us in a figment of his imagination, by which we travel has amazing landscapes and unique hand Frodo Baggins, with the objective to destroy the Ring of Power, the One, who rules over everything and everyone ... the ring of evil.

to me this book puzzled me, because Tolkien describes people and places with such precision, you really manage to think of each and every one of the places, from the dark and dangerous landscape to the most wonderful and surprising.

I find the most incredible and unimaginable good, fighters, brave and firm in their ideas, and other dark, ambitious, vindictive and evil. Tolkien, by the indescribable magic of his words finally make your mind see them as they are, with a transparency and amazing clarity, and get to repudiate their attitudes, their actions, or love them for their purity of heart for his bravery and loyalty.
A classic struggle of good versus evil, but developed this fight in the wonderful world of Tolkien. A main character's constant struggle to avoid being dropped by the persuasion of evil and power. And a fight for freedom that unites the people against the dictatorship of evil. A song of unity among peoples, for freedom and peace among all people, of adventure and adventure that launched the company incredible messages reading and more reading the more positive messages are: justice, solidarity, companionship, sacrifice.

Note that Tolkien made this book as a fundamentally religious and Catholic establishment, unconsciously, and is seen in the values \u200b\u200bthat are described throughout the novel. It built for the creation of characters, some good, in the mythology of northern Europe (like dwarves), the Anglo-Saxon epic poem Beowulf and in Macbeth by William Shaskespeare

This edition I have, is the year 1977, and has some amazing maps of the entire Middle-earth from the Shire and Gondor and Mordor, posters with runes, etc ... is a publication for book clubs, and I remember that when I read on the beach my friends crazy trying to read such billet book (1100 pages), but one day I read aloud a few paragraphs and finished half the book also hooked them, it was silence on the beach while I slowly read fragments of it ... in short, to tell you that it is dangerous, once you start reading you can not stop.

This story has its beginnings in the book The Hobbit, Tolkien too, which is also mind-bogglingly good, and that explains the beginning of everything, tells of Bilbo Baggins and how is the ring ... and the adventures of Bilbo Baggins ... a children's book with a sublime display of imagination also, soft, easy to understand and you will gradually introduced into the language of the novel, the characters and types of creatures that populate the worlds of Tolkien.

Today, many already know the story, the movies, to my phenomenally created and are in accordance to what Tolkien wrote, and understood perfectly the thread Book between films. Nevertheless, I will recommend you the books you read, because they are very good and entertaining.

films and the book has an incredible waste of imagination, they turn a riot of dazzling special effects, as innovative techniques were used and visual effects. It is an impressive trilogy (The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers and The Return of the King) it took to film eight years and three films were shot simultaneously. They all got to be an incredible blockbuster and took 17 Oscars in total

Well, and talk about the original soundtrack of the movie is talk about London Philharmonic Orchestra (not recently) and the participation therein of Viggo Mortensen, Lyv Tyler, among others. In my humble opinion, this is one of the best soundtracks I've ever heard, and besides, not that it is good only the first, is that they are one-off any of the three, as each movie has its original soundtrack.

If you want more information about The Lord of the Rings, go through the link I leave, and alucinaréis;

here publicly declare myself in love with The Lord of the Rings, book version, versions, movies and everything related to it. I read about three or four times and certainly recommend it to everyone. That's what I say, but every time I read it, you will discover something new a new message, a new perspective ... is unique.

Greetings to all.


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