Hello everybody s:
Ferrol, Spain as a whole, is celebrating the Carnival, and Ferrol enjoy partying, and binge eating in these dates the Galician enjoy so much. The
Ferrol prepare for the competition of extras, which incidentally, is held this year in the Plaza of Spain, a new space for us all.
Ferrol prepare for the competition of extras, which incidentally, is held this year in the Plaza of Spain, a new space for us all.
our carnival starts with a feast of pork with turnip tops in the Plaza Arms, free, of course, where we get to eat the delicious purple turnip greens in the area, together with the pork and patatin, and washed down with wine, of course ... Among the pork with turnip tops and wine, and we sung to hold late-night revelry awaits us and probably a little cold ... for that we are in Galicia is not it?. ... After the binge comes the carallada ...

Ferrol and full of laughter and songs, and the best is in the Plaza of Spain, when the contest begins troupes, where they will hear songs that will discuss all current issues of the moment of politicians Ferrol, etc ... always with grace and joke. The winners will win a prize of 1,500 €, peeeero there is also an individual costume contest and they in turn will be a prize of 150 €
After the contest, the fun continues at night in different places city, both in the historical district and the surrounding private parties, or popular. And between party and party, sung and sung .... a sweet snack, as I Freixas and delicious crepes with its hint of lemon or orange, sometimes with a little anise ... and crunchy ears ..... and dulllllllces ... delicious .... and toast the bread, milk and anise empapadito flavored Canelita ... ... MMMMMMMMM comerrrrr We get moradooooooosssss of
also begins to have its own celebrity in the carnival, is to put blue overalls, of those used in Navantia, or the former Empresa Nacional Bazan, to which he adds a good belly and a nice ass (with individual cushions, for example) and adds a horrible mask, monster usually already have the costume and most widely used and representative of Ferrol. These masqueraders, as they are called here, go in groups and take eggs and flour, and leave the city fighting for .... and if you get caught in the middle .... get ready to suffer .... I offer images of the character, but the truth is that I have none, thus, another year will be.
Moreover, the Ferrol goodbye we came in, da SardiƱa or buried, to be held on Saturday following the week of Mardi Gras in New Street Caranza, Overseas, where the groups, and people are dressed accompanying a parade the coffin and finally burn it in Piazza overseas and continue the party at the New Street Caranza in local bars and tapas taking singing and dancing at night ... You know a little more of my land .. if you want to know more ... .... come here to enjoy the fun muyyy Ferrol we
Greetings Hello everyone
Moreover, the Ferrol goodbye we came in, da SardiƱa or buried, to be held on Saturday following the week of Mardi Gras in New Street Caranza, Overseas, where the groups, and people are dressed accompanying a parade the coffin and finally burn it in Piazza overseas and continue the party at the New Street Caranza in local bars and tapas taking singing and dancing at night ... You know a little more of my land .. if you want to know more ... .... come here to enjoy the fun muyyy Ferrol we
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