historical novel "Thirteen Red Roses" (2004) based on a true story, written by the writer Carlos Fonseca, who has done excellent research work and reflects a harsh reality, cruel and unfair to all the English and that must never be forgotten.
Trece Rosas Rojas
puts us in Spain at the end of the English Civil War in Madrid. A torn Madrid, tired of war, exhausted and sad for the loss of so many loved ones ... a Madrid where the losers come out winners. A broken Madrid will begin to slowly rebuild and reconstruction and the new government will continue war disguised as peace, where it promotes the tip, the hatred between neighbors, revenge.
So, this writer and researcher tells the story of these Trece Rosas Rojas, who were arrested and tried for their ideology and finally executed.
Trece Rosas Rojas The book takes us on a journey through the English prisons and shows us a brutal portrait of what life was like in them, as was its inner workings. Allows us to glimpse into the life of the inmates and staff officer who worked there, the daily fear and terror of approaching death, the camaraderie among the prisoners, the struggle of family and friends to get reprieve or pardon, a non-crowded life and pain, where the spread of disease was most common. The officer-inmate ratio and operation of the process from complaint to the authorities until the last moments before execution.
book is an easy and quick reading, which you can not take off the eyes of your pages, because what counts radiates a magnetic hard to overcome, and because what it tells us a history lesson that you should never forgotten or repeated. But what you can not take his eyes off is the documentary annexes of the book, processing statements, letters of the Thirteen Roses to your family when they learned that would be his final goodbyes ... photos.
Finally, I would highlight the impressive work of Carlos Fonseca, who through interviews with people who lived this history, eyewitness accounts, letters of Trece Rosas (which still have close relatives with them), as well as visits to the National Historical Archive, the Archive of Penitentiary Institutions, the Historical Archives of the Communist Party of Spain, among others .. your viewing contemporary newspapers such as ABC and Up , Now, etc or the Gazette ... get to tell us what happened to those young people who were seized and put to death just think differently to the regime of the time.
A book to read quietly, moving you to think and that is a history lesson that everyone should read, no matter how cruel it is the story of this tragic moment of
life in Spain.
With Flora, my friend on high for lending and teach this book. A strong kiss
Read it, is a must read for everyone, certainly learn something.
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