I can say in conclusion that the projected size of a university conference center was a big challenge, is not easy to expose a final synthesis that is worth as a summary of a design process of such a long process and such diverse aspects.
The prosit of this blog has been as already stated at the beginning of the period, providing an overview on this to do that as students of architecture is necessary, as a conclusion to recover the main phases of the architectural design of strength architectural design of the strength of a university conference center that we have proposed to explain in this blog.
I would say I am very proud with the result LabourOrganisation. When I started I did not think that would be able to address many issues, work was a total stress and long hours but after all after all this time I see my dreams reflected on paper! .. But would have been much more hours if it had not been assisted ARQ. Maria Elena B. Elorza I have to thank you infinitely for the help he has given me the time to do this project, which has been great. and whom I admire greatly!.
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