Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Teeth Brace Going Through Airport Security


The plurality of architecture "contempo ra nea" shouting that tells us not try to define it. NOTIENESENTID O. Talking Contemporary Architecture in Architecture is complex and start talking about this issue is very complex and must be careful in what we say or we can define this issue, there is an extensive bibliography of Architecture, the authors write their ideas to be criticized and appreciated and this is also my goal as a new writer on the network. Contemporary architecture, whose first symptoms appeared in several centers during the second half of the nineteenth century, was consolidated in the large-scale States, as co nsecuencia International Exhibition of Modern Architecture by the Museum of Modern Art in New York in 1932, where he coined the term International Style. The twentieth century. Home of contemporary architecture. The main idea of \u200b\u200bcontemporary architecture lies mainly in reject those earlier historical styles that were used. Against classical trends used even for the last third of the nineteenth century, contemporary architecture arises which comes with a totally different from what already existed. Based on the use of new techniques and new industrial materials, during the twentieth century. As is remarkable, the industrial revolution helped greatly to the transformation of technological and social context of the construction. And although it is difficult to accept, the Industrial Revolution was causing the ancient architectural precepts have lost importance or value. First order is clearly the use of iron, glass and rolled steel in this case the glass was used in large dimensions. These materials were produced en masse and thus becomes widespread use in the building. This fully proven that the employment of these materials lies in the structural clarity, apart from work entirely as prefabricated elements. contemporary architecture serves the needs of individual comfort requirements of each case and circumstance. That is, each space needs to design is different and therefore the architect must satisfy such demands, not forgetting the structural type, comfort and beauty of any architectural work.


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