Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Sore Gums After Wisdom Teeth
Haitian proverb
A Haitian proverb says
q "Behind the mountains, more mountains"
's resignation? is habituation? what is it? I do not know, but the Haitian people, lives and the tragedies and disasters, says the proverb.
knowing q after a problem, followed by another.
q During these 3 years I've been in this adoption in Haiti, I remember having read and heard it hundreds of times, on blogs, in conversations, facebook, etc, talking about the death of a baby due to lack of minimum hygiene, talking about the earthquake and the devastation left in the q engulfed the country, flooding, landslides, especially what has q q pass the Haitian people.
When I heard on TV about the outbreak of anger, pain and helplessness I
"Behind the mountains, more mountains"
A Haitian proverb says
q "Behind the mountains, more mountains"
's resignation? is habituation? what is it? I do not know, but the Haitian people, lives and the tragedies and disasters, says the proverb.
knowing q after a problem, followed by another.
q During these 3 years I've been in this adoption in Haiti, I remember having read and heard it hundreds of times, on blogs, in conversations, facebook, etc, talking about the death of a baby due to lack of minimum hygiene, talking about the earthquake and the devastation left in the q engulfed the country, flooding, landslides, especially what has q q pass the Haitian people.
When I heard on TV about the outbreak of anger, pain and helplessness I
"Behind the mountains, more mountains"
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Listerine Pocket Paks Pregnant
circulations in the formal composition of the architecture are the means by which to move within the spatial organization are also spaces and as such are shaped as any space, but with the specific purpose designated circular therefore likewise form part of the formal membership of the assembly. should be organized from access to both until the end of their components, saving ratio and proportion according to the capabilities necessary, should show clarity, guidance and direction easily perceived by the user. The circulation must not interfere or mixed with the proposed sites. Their locations in the formal composition space, should allow capture the exciting feeling that proposes the designer, using natural and artificial effects of the whole and the environment. Finally it is noted that the circulation spaces being specific function must be given a particular set of joint plot, based on the skeletal structure or making up the if they are resisting system of rigid bodies, work or easing the overall stability. circulations envelopes can be identified on the formal composition in solid or camouflage skins, depend on the objectives of emotional stimuli might want to give the designer architecture.
after this introduction, link tests conducted on this topic, where you can find the ratings and details of the elements of movement, in addition to those mentioned in the lecture. Also found within the link, the link to the PowerPoint presentation that produced the architect Massimo Tapia Orellana regard. Also included a link from another presentation found on the net .. a agradesco which form part of this article.
Here the link:
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Reg Hey For Stopzilla
Contemporary Architecture .- News
Modern convention center in NL
otimex. Mexico (Notimex) .- From next October, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, will feature the most modern convention center in the country, comprehensively planned to provide technology services to four months and its opening and has sold two international forums and dozens of nationals. What
until a year ago was the Monterrey Forum Procultura evolved and today promises to be one of the convention center and most important congress of Mexico, after investing over 300 million pesos in the modernization and enlargement.
With investments purely Mexican architect and businessman Eduardo Villarreal Barragán, this site will offer companies and national and international comprehensive services for conventions and power, able to respond simultaneously to five thousand people.
This center-called CONVEX and with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 40 million square feet of expansion-only generate 180 direct jobs and 700 indirect, and in his first year of operation to generate an economic 250 million pesos to the capital of Nuevo León. Sergio Quintanilla Rangel, director of the project, told Notimex that this is a unique concept in the country with ideas of the best convention centers in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bMadrid, Italy, Germany and the United States. said the CONVEX is one of the most central areas of Monterrey and consolidate this city as a major urban business centers and conventions of the country.
Avenue in Ignacio Morones Prieto, a few blocks from the Macro Plaza and five minutes from the hotel zone and downtown, this building will have space for over 800 cars in four basements and promote the development cultural and tourist capital of neoleonesa. CONVEX center is already working on the certification of the quality of their services, it seeks to be certified ISO 9001-2000 and the distinctive "H" issued by the Ministry of Tourism for the quality and hygiene in food preparation upon compliance with the procedural requirements corresponding to one hundred percent.
This will be a space where they meet world class infrastructure features and advanced technology will be available to users in 12 rooms for conferences and conventions in four thousand 800 square meters.
will have three banquet rooms that together can accommodate 400 people and three thousand showrooms thousand 800 square meters each, a theater for 638 attendees and an auditorium for 200 people.
The impressive infrastructure has four elevators, three panorámicao, and 16 escalators, and communicate all exhibition halls and conference rooms. addition to the infrastructure of the building, the convention center will offer the latest technology in telecommunications and Internet wired and wireless high-speed service and telecommunications, which have so far invested more than $ 500 000.
Other services to be offered in this center is that of aides and friends, counseling visits to tourist attractions of the city in the convention-free schedule and a private club for users of the center with capacity for 300 people.
Although there are other major convention centers in the country, none of them offered as CONVEX comprehensive services with one provider will allow users to save between 10 and 15 percent. Sergio Quintanilla explained that although the project has four years of planning and construction, the work will be completed next September 15 to be inaugurated next October 27. be held on that date the Exotic World Expo, Extravagant Destinations, involving South Africa's tourism promoters, India, Italy, Poland and Romania.
said that from October to December this year the Convention Center is already sold, though not yet begun commercial promotion in shape, suggesting-scored, it is an attractive concept for national and international community.
The exhibition center will also have a space fast food and restaurants, terraces and windows in their classrooms even be up to 53 meters height above street level, allowing you a panoramic view across the city and its image feature: the Cerro de la Silla. Quintanilla Rangel emphasized that Monterrey is a city of great national and international tourist attraction, although the hotel and service capacity is underutilized. For this, he said, this project will provide better business results to providers of tourist services.
Modern convention center in NL
otimex. Mexico (Notimex) .- From next October, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, will feature the most modern convention center in the country, comprehensively planned to provide technology services to four months and its opening and has sold two international forums and dozens of nationals. What
until a year ago was the Monterrey Forum Procultura evolved and today promises to be one of the convention center and most important congress of Mexico, after investing over 300 million pesos in the modernization and enlargement.
With investments purely Mexican architect and businessman Eduardo Villarreal Barragán, this site will offer companies and national and international comprehensive services for conventions and power, able to respond simultaneously to five thousand people.
This center-called CONVEX and with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 40 million square feet of expansion-only generate 180 direct jobs and 700 indirect, and in his first year of operation to generate an economic 250 million pesos to the capital of Nuevo León. Sergio Quintanilla Rangel, director of the project, told Notimex that this is a unique concept in the country with ideas of the best convention centers in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bMadrid, Italy, Germany and the United States. said the CONVEX is one of the most central areas of Monterrey and consolidate this city as a major urban business centers and conventions of the country.
Avenue in Ignacio Morones Prieto, a few blocks from the Macro Plaza and five minutes from the hotel zone and downtown, this building will have space for over 800 cars in four basements and promote the development cultural and tourist capital of neoleonesa. CONVEX center is already working on the certification of the quality of their services, it seeks to be certified ISO 9001-2000 and the distinctive "H" issued by the Ministry of Tourism for the quality and hygiene in food preparation upon compliance with the procedural requirements corresponding to one hundred percent.
This will be a space where they meet world class infrastructure features and advanced technology will be available to users in 12 rooms for conferences and conventions in four thousand 800 square meters.
will have three banquet rooms that together can accommodate 400 people and three thousand showrooms thousand 800 square meters each, a theater for 638 attendees and an auditorium for 200 people.
The impressive infrastructure has four elevators, three panorámicao, and 16 escalators, and communicate all exhibition halls and conference rooms. addition to the infrastructure of the building, the convention center will offer the latest technology in telecommunications and Internet wired and wireless high-speed service and telecommunications, which have so far invested more than $ 500 000.
Other services to be offered in this center is that of aides and friends, counseling visits to tourist attractions of the city in the convention-free schedule and a private club for users of the center with capacity for 300 people.
Although there are other major convention centers in the country, none of them offered as CONVEX comprehensive services with one provider will allow users to save between 10 and 15 percent. Sergio Quintanilla explained that although the project has four years of planning and construction, the work will be completed next September 15 to be inaugurated next October 27. be held on that date the Exotic World Expo, Extravagant Destinations, involving South Africa's tourism promoters, India, Italy, Poland and Romania.
said that from October to December this year the Convention Center is already sold, though not yet begun commercial promotion in shape, suggesting-scored, it is an attractive concept for national and international community.
The exhibition center will also have a space fast food and restaurants, terraces and windows in their classrooms even be up to 53 meters height above street level, allowing you a panoramic view across the city and its image feature: the Cerro de la Silla. Quintanilla Rangel emphasized that Monterrey is a city of great national and international tourist attraction, although the hotel and service capacity is underutilized. For this, he said, this project will provide better business results to providers of tourist services.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Medical Online Nursery
design process where the goal is to continue a system of constructivism that we start from the general to the particular phase was conducted with the same right through a strategy tool, a way of making architecture that we call "Sudden", so start by volume taking into account the physical environment, urban later we will make the planimetry (Planat architectural set, set floor plan, sections, elevations, perspectives of our convention center to finish the project later

Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Teeth Brace Going Through Airport Security

The plurality of architecture "contempo ra nea" shouting that tells us not try to define it. NOTIENESENTID O. Talking Contemporary Architecture in Architecture is complex and start talking about this issue is very complex and must be careful in what we say or we can define this issue, there is an extensive bibliography of Architecture, the authors write their ideas to be criticized and appreciated and this is also my goal as a new writer on the network. Contemporary architecture, whose first symptoms appeared in several centers during the second half of the nineteenth century, was consolidated in the large-scale States, as co nsecuencia International Exhibition of Modern Architecture by the Museum of Modern Art in New York in 1932, where he coined the term International Style. The twentieth century. Home of contemporary architecture. The main idea of \u200b\u200bcontemporary architecture lies mainly in reject those earlier historical styles that were used. Against classical trends used even for the last third of the nineteenth century, contemporary architecture arises which comes with a totally different from what already existed. Based on the use of new techniques and new industrial materials, during the twentieth century. As is remarkable, the industrial revolution helped greatly to the transformation of technological and social context of the construction. And although it is difficult to accept, the Industrial Revolution was causing the ancient architectural precepts have lost importance or value. First order is clearly the use of iron, glass and rolled steel in this case the glass was used in large dimensions. These materials were produced en masse and thus becomes widespread use in the building.
This fully proven that the employment of these materials lies in the structural clarity, apart from work entirely as prefabricated elements. contemporary architecture serves the needs of individual comfort requirements of each case and circumstance. That is, each space needs to design is different and therefore the architect must satisfy such demands, not forgetting the structural type, comfort and beauty of any architectural work.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
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The zonal working diagram explains The relation between areas of this project leagues are very important relationship exists
realción wide between the outer zone
events and so also as the area of \u200b\u200bservices, and the same exterior
vealidad also a secondary zone, events and services administrative area, events
well as a service-area vealidad tercearia administrative area

realción wide between the outer zone
events and so also as the area of \u200b\u200bservices, and the same exterior
vealidad also a secondary zone, events and services administrative area, events
well as a service-area vealidad tercearia administrative area
37 28 37 Measurements
lifting scheme laid out in the field shows the project areas to conduct in this case University Convention Center, we note the element in this REGENT If the event area (purple) and that is where the most user activity, we also mention of the guiding principle, line than through internal lines in the field gives us a more open and clear about the direction of greater significance is located in Noro-west to south-east direction, and also selected to cross the busy streets but also important because there are two entrances marked in this direction, also referred to the area of \u200b\u200bland that is: 6853 m2.

Sunday, October 10, 2010
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diagrams gives us a broader view and hacerca increasingly what we are proposing, this includes wind rose which is very helpful, we mentioned that prevailing winds blow from north to south direction, the sunlight is from east to the west so it make a location of the site and surrounding streets that surround it, then colored blocks comor q eference to integrate areas of our convention center:
green: purple outdoor
: blue
area events: red
administration: services
we haci same location of the principal axis and element ruler, measures of this property and location of plants, is also mention of leagues we narrow these areas
green: purple outdoor
: blue
area events: red
administration: services
we haci same location of the principal axis and element ruler, measures of this property and location of plants, is also mention of leagues we narrow these areas
Friday, October 8, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
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Team: North
Our field is located on the corner of Violet Street corner Naranjos in Colonia Reforma, Oaxaca, Centro. this is its northern boundary (Willow Street) and East (street thoughts) borders Peacebuilding type: business, home room, an architecture is also observed in the south such as FILE CENTRAL AND OFFICES Coba, and the Westside are JUDUCIAL POWER OF THE FEDERATION, this allows us have a broad knowledge of architecture built on this street. Subsequently be noted the main streets which are Violet Street and Orange Street the same as roads are private automiviles flow, public transportation, taxis, buses and heavy transport, so the same note also the side streets which contain a lower flow of these streets are roads Sauces and thoughts.
Regarding the field have a slope of 5% direcion from south to north these same can be seen on the streets of Orange, The property has local type trees which have to integrate nustra architecture without throwing them away, then by way of longitudinal lines, cross over the same ground reference lines wove around us may have and help assist the field geometry, the same mark haci guiding shaft is located with an address NO (Northwest) SE (southeast) located so also because These guidelines are now two entrances that provide income to our site on a regular and well located.
Likewise REPAT field imporartes our 4 areas of the Convention Center University to make them left the way sigueintes:
Area Events: (Purple) located at the center of this field is the most important which receives the element name Zona REGENT
Services (Red ) located on the west side which will house: healthcare, warehouses, control room and dispensaries located at this point because with the help of winds DOMINT running north to south may eliminate odors which also did not affect our area Events also holds the same advantage and also with the collaboration of our sunshine
Administrative Region: (Blue) only in the southern part of our farm house the user's life worker University Convention Center Area
Exterior: (Green) Only in the North, South and East the same rules that we ask a 50% free which makes us take advantage of existing trees and respect them without damaging them and integrate them into our architecture.
The property has a total area of \u200b\u200b6853 M2. with a perimeter of 332 meters.

web The intention is to make a strong a foundation literally to gather strength for capturing knowledge and that all users are tangled in this knowledge, that knowledge and thus keep them from turning it porque3 architecture we are prisoners. So how to find aesthetics at the corners of our room with walls that protect our university identity, with lines very comfortable patching our future our home network
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