Finally the day arrived. Tomorrow
Isabel, Michael (my brother) and I will leave to Tindouf (Algeria) to pass seven days in Smara as volunteers Bubisher (the bird that brings good luck), a bookmobile for the Saharawi refugee camps.
Our task is to develop a workshop for children and teachers in schools and on the bookmobile. The title of this workshop is Tues Al the Tues and contains five chapters: Imagine sea, sea Dreaming, Drawing sea, sea Play and Ocean in view! Each chapter has different dynamics of work and a visual approach and several supporting texts.

Tues Al the Tues as Isabel Brown said at the start of the tutorial is:
A workshop to discover the sea,
recognize and recover it through the senses and the words
to achieve:
B USCAR to look your horizons and check your
U nir both sides with the mind.
B añarse in the cooler.
I magina its depth and transparency.
S aborad breezes and separating its ingredients to taste them slowly
: pitch black,
clear water, white salt, red and green algae, the iodine
orange sun, blue meat
fish and their scales of a hundred colors. H
undir hands in the sand and drain
time between your fingers, hold the feel of the algae in
foot, dig a well with hands until the outbreak of water
, let Mane and
floating in it belly up. E
Scucha the sound of conches, children in
the beach, the waves breaking, the shrill cry of the
gulls, the bustle of the port, the creaking of the boats and rubbing
their networks.
R ecuperar the sea, love and almarla. Populating the sea.
The workshop objectives are:
1. Recreating the sea through the game, sounds, visual poetry, imagination, senses
and orality, and provide the teacher or volunteer work
a guide to complete the workshop during the course.
2. Lead the child to the sea, through reading and writing by
simple language, with little surprises that hold your attention and proposals
visually appealing and easy to understand.
3. Foster communication and interpersonal relations through dialogue
, creativity and play.
This blog will be more deserted than ever, but on our return we will make a detailed chronicle of the experience. To meet this long absence left a verse from Rafael Pérez Estrada, from his book Chronicle of the Sea as wallpaper.
"The sea is infinite and begins in the hope"

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