Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Fridgoverre Replacement Lid

PES Master

Hi tod @ s readers!
After a few years back my blog back to sports and education. The reason that has led me to publish this year is that I am a student of Master Teacher Training in Secondary Education at the University of Córdoba.
my sporting life has made after finishing a degree in Physical Activity and Sport in Sevilla, I was more comfortable to live in the city of Córdoba to attend practices and games on my computer. Currently, and after 7 years in the computer game Córdoba Sports Indoor Soccer, champions of Division of Honor last year (2009). So, in order to combine sport and studies ... I live in this city so beautiful, where I try to shape to be a good teacher shortly.
As I said, I'm back to writing here because I use this space for me to evaluate a subject of the Master, called "ICT as a resource for educational innovation," seeing that this resource (the blog) would also be useful to inform our students on different subjects related to education.
So, I can only send you a big hello and wish you all the luck in the world. All the best y. .. always smiling!


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