Hand over hand, word for word, as I said Angel Gonzalez. That's how I received this and that, book is number 117 of the Åland Stock Publishers Edelvives and I have the pleasure of signing. Edelvives
This book aims to bring poetry to teenagers, to make it work tool for personal growth and learning.
The book tries to be, precisely, a wink to the boys and girls of the ESO, a way of showing that poetry can be at your hand without that it prescribes a teacher (which, moreover, should make all teachers, not just the area or the Department of Language and Literature).
The book is organized into sections that correspond to the main subjects taught at Sencundaria Compulsory Education. Remember, in this sense, the Encyclopedia Alvarez or other books gathered in one volume all the knowledge that the student should know then.
There are texts that bring us into the realm of mathematics, others lead us to reflect on their own literature and teaching, and others go into the field of physics or biology.
has been a pleasure work hand in hand with Jorge Hernán Gómez and Ignacio Chao in the editing process. Review
texts one by one, to fit the events that accompany many of the poems, organizing them in the best possible way became, thanks to George in a creative and rewarding. So my thanks, first for him.
My thanks also to Pilar Careaga who invited me to join the library Alanda and I opened the doors of the publisher. And Paloma de la Concha, for having me in the work of teacher training.
But I take, as artists do when they pick up a prize, to extend my gratitude to Raquel Lopez and Maria Sanchez-Tabernero, of Hand Culture that Celestine made my first approach to editorial (at the Second Congress of Children's Literature) and spread the word from library to library and bookstore bookstore thanks to Rooster Club Kirico . And Gonzalo Moure , the first he had in his mailbox the book and already talked about him before publication for schools and colleges (now, in fact, has requested 4 copies to the publisher to take them for purposes "evangelists" and under the arm, the Amazon.
Thanks, finally (before the final applause) to Isabel Castaño, my wife, for their outstanding help in compiling the book. And to all who are growing day by day in the shade of a poem.
Here you have the cover, which welcomes us with an open hand, and other contents of the book:

In the back you can read the following:
Pasa, Reader, and occupies Here your seat,
open this book, browse its contents, feel the heart
serious things, the remedy
knowledge test.
your food will be the geography, history
new blood in your arteries, secondary
festivals and fairs,
biology your best support. Read each poem
patiently, studying languages \u200b\u200b
mathematics of your existence,
and so when you know your excesses
and learn to live with other science,
you recommend to these and those.
In the first few pages there are words to whet your appetite:
literature in schools should be a break
in daily activity, a time of calm in the
the student listens to, thinks about his stuff or
asleep while the teacher reads aloud books that have no
necessarily follow the order of the canon crazy school. Daniel Pennac
This book aims to show and prove that any
thing, however strange or trivial, can be a poem.
Everything around us has an inner nature, concealed under the appearance
. Only the poet and the child can access
molecules that determine their structure and
unravel its signifier and its meaning, either through
of the imagination or words. Let's open it
say the five senses in the different areas that we will address in this short but intense course
poetic and
shape the academic title of our story.
But meanwhile, we look forward to the ring and go out to recess
a while:
Must see
gossip I've heard in the corridor between cigarette and cigarette
, fees and paperwork
this year are very ugly
the kids in my class,
that if the weekend was a lag, if that
surreptitiously touched me the ass
yesterday asking me stand,
do not know where the boy sits
black polo,
that jolin
how glad I am that you are so happy today because
finally realized that you were coladita
if you have an appointment,
that if you left the note,
the back is a ball,
that tiny little question.
to see when in the playground
speak of Lorca or Neruda,
of Descartes and doubt of Vivaldi
Perseus and leave the gossip
tedious for classes and other things, butterflies.
I closed the meeting by quoting Professor Keating
"cut from today, roses ..."
And a couple of sample buttons:
Madame Bovary
The fortune teller read the hand woman reader. In each line
guessed a chapter of his life: a happy beginning,
a lump in my throat and a tragic outcome.
Since that day, the woman reader read between the lines. NANA
Sleep (a sheep) my girl,
go to sleep (two lambs) my love.
that comes
furry and ferocious wolf.
Sleep my child (three sheep),
and close your eyes (four sheep) and dreams of silence
with stalactites. Four angels
have my bed, four angels
that saved me,
one gives me milk, wool
other gives me and my girl
sleep until morning. Sleep my child
or diplococcus
or Streptococcus or Staphylococcus
and taken to girls studying
(5 lambs).
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