few weeks ago I was in Sanxenxo and O Grove. He had not been there since I went to clean tar. Then I wrote an opinion piece titled "Black Christmas." It read:
As our lives are rivers, according Manrique, who will give the sea is dying, I have decided to start the year wrapped in tar. Beside me are
José and Javier Zamora, Gustavo, Brazil, Isabel (my wife), Julian and Lorenzo, of Salamanca, and as many volunteers rushing Galicia night, blacker than ever. Here the star of Christmas beer tastes like Joseph is a percebeiros you play life, Mary is a volunteer with the Red Cross and the Magi are firefighters with large baskets filled with a gift more precious than gold, frankincense and myrrh : the effort.
The contrast makes it hard this folio as white where I write and color of the beach, black as February, full of tests.
With the ocean, wearing monkey, game to be the child who wanted to empty the sea with a bucket and shovel toy.
do not know if much effort will set an example for those who think the world was no utopia. For those who do not believe in man's will regain the hope they never had. To dream as high as white kites.
My desire is none other than the fit my seven-league boots and tread and tread where many others. Feeling that life has meaning when you give the other with everything you have. When you leave your house to spend your holiday with another family.
And here is time for work and friendship. To believe in life, so vulnerable at times. To grow as tall as eucalyptus. To think Beppo, Momo sweeper, who swept the street every day long, always with the same momentum. Paso, inspiration, sweep.
few days ago to heat the home and the old year and now at the end of the earth, these letters full of good wishes for others. Dream replanted in the New Year. From Never Land. In imperfect. Simple present and future perfect.
This time I could enjoy clean blue sea, full of goodbyes and waves, drops of salt, rain rays. And took a deep breath, compared Launched to, to return laden with sighs inland ocean.
I intended to contaminate the boys Galician poetry and share with them what I've been down, I'm through the words.
really enjoyed the IES Sanxenxo, Loli's hand and Ricardo who welcomed me into their home as one of the family. But with John, Professor of History, with whom I share the sense of education and life beyond conventional pedagogies.
The kids had fun and left the workshop with a view of poetry closer and less academic. Now, as Loli, are picking some fruit.
This is what wrote on the blog of the Library of the institute
Many thanks, guys. I felt unable to sign all your book or notebook. The time was upon us and we still had a lot of time ahead. Let each one write down a dream or a wish on these pages and consume it in preference.
the afternoon, I did a workshop Bizocas HEI, an institute that shares the forest and sea, and has some kids involved with poetry and a professor (Nieves) for you. Then after the workshop, I met the IES Reading Club Sanxenxo. Were two long hours cooking and tasting all kinds of poems. An onion, a verb fried bun or cooked maimón zeros were used to sharing poetry and conversation. All very homespun and with a loving and special treatment. Thank you, Ana, Loli and John for such a great experience, summarized briefly in group blog.
I was also in the IES Vilalonga with Elisa, a teacher dedicated to her work and the library, which made my trip to Galicia and served as liaison and matchmaker with the other centers.
There, in the Vilalonga, youth and teachers enjoyed the poetry of Garcilaso de la Vega (the center requested me through the program to encourage reading "Why read the classics" of the Ministry of Education.
Then I made a workshop poetry with children 4 ESO which was vibrant. Perhaps one of the workshops with my most enjoyable in recent years. It notes that in Galicia there is quality and that works well around school libraries. Thank you all for that unforgettable time. The IES
Vilalonga traveled, by the hand and the car of Dario Pino (Anaya Galicia), the IES Francisco Aguiar de Betanzos. There I waited for 200 children from 2 º ESO, accompanied by their teachers, to clear some doubts about the book he had worked: Consume preferably . It was exciting to see them reach the hall with the book in the hand and face of expectation. Thanks to Elvira and Francisco for his splendid work and pick up the suggestion that one year before Moure did take me there.
I leave here the presentation of Francis and some pictures he made with his boys:
In 2004, we were here, like this afternoon, listen to what you tell us the author of the book we had read. That day, Gonzalo Moure, not only words he spoke to Candy, we also recommended the work of a young author, Raul Vacas, who the following year, students could read the ESO room, four poems, collected in Side effects anthology, the first volume of the playlist Other Spaces, a bold project Anaya editorial that we will not tire of thanking.
Students scoring title with anger, however, little by little, reading the poems of Juan Bonilla, Santiago Nunez, Silvia Ugidos, Raul Vacas also helped to remove the bias: the poetry was not a maudlin sentimentality to nostalgic. The last course, toys in the first classes of ESO with some of the poems SHELF LIFE: Peoma, Vademecum, SMS.
The success encouraged to propose reading to students of 2 º and 1 º ESO. So, Betanzos, this year, about 200 young people, pushing the cart, decode SMS, letters to City Hall or the Town Hall yellow notes, peomas ..., preserving, yes, the ticket of the offer of the day. It is true that, sometimes, hard to understand and get a headache or a feeling of dizziness, but for that, in the linear destocking is Vademecum: aspirin, a gelocatil or biodramina enough. Antibiotics, or touch. This virus of reading poetry is already established, or weaken or colds.
So, already explained the circumstances, touch thank Raul Vacas his presence, and give the word. For that, press the off button of the heart, immediately after insertion, even chocolate coin. Francisco Rodriguez Coloma
IES Francisco Aguiar, Betanzos, A Coruña
Anoto blog address here " Bear pipes" which is a short track activity.
Thanks to Darius for his treatment and his dedication and the many conversations on car journeys (with background music Loquillo) or in front of a glass of wine.
was delightful walk along the beach of Santa Cristina, in solitude, and find some treasure in the debris thrown by the sea on the sand.
Ocean, rain, fog, friendly people, boys and girls in the beating of poetry, so is the landscape of Galicia.