La semana anterior participé en las V Jornadas sobre Bibliotecas Escolares de Extremadura , en Mérida. Allí me reencontré con buenos amigos, profesores de Secundaria en varios Institutos de Plasencia y trabajé la escritura creativa con niños y profesores.
Fue una delicia asistir a la Conferencia de Rosa Navarro sobre la Dinamización de los clásicos. Rosa es Catedrática English Literature at the University of Barcelona and has adapted several classics for children and youth, primarily in the editorial Edebé .

His speech was exciting, full of passion, energy and tenderness and your speech simple and fertile. Rosa defended his work as adapter of classic texts, a task on which high school teachers put some purists objected saying that it distorts the original text.
"If the adjustment is good," said Rosa Navarro reaches them the story, not the difficulty. "
spoke of the need to recover the taste and passion by the classical texts, our real commitment to the task of reading and sharing with children and young people from falling into oblivion (some teachers shy away from certain titles because of its complexity). His tone of voice, warm and friendly, and the intensity of his words captivated the audience to burst into prolonged applause at the end of his speech.
"A classic" said Rosa, "is a vitamin lollipop inside. If we do not have any readings out of ourselves. "
A young children says, "I watch writers, appear to me to tell her sadness as there are many children who do not read the classics. I am convinced to help them to tell you who they are, what they feel, what they think. And I dictate to hear their stories so that comprehend and enjoy. "
Rosa recalled with humor some of the questions asked the children: Do the writers appear you just close your eyes?, "Now you see? One child, a little more daring, came to ask once for the number of men who had appeared. And a dear little girl was interested in a chance if she had appeared Denise Garcia, a poet, his grandmother Murcia.
Rosa was alternating stories with explanations of their ways to adapt and the difficulties you face at times. In the translation of Don Quixote Catalan, for example, becomes Miaulina Princess Princess Catalan Meulina as cats say "meu" instead of "meow", but his who apparently is bilingual.
explained his way of internalizing the text to take after the references to the role without forcing us to stop again and again our reading and recalled some passages from Don Quixote of Tirant lo Blanc and Odyssey. It was especially beautiful the way he told us the end of the Odyssey, when Odysseus returns home.
"When text adapted for children, "concluded Rose, try to keep the significant details of the story." There are many visual references or word games that children never forget: the declaration of love to Carmesina Tirant lo Blanc with a mirror field celery and violets of the Odyssey or how the Cyclops Polyphemus was wounded by "Nobody" are details that recall forever.
Thank you, Rosa, for your extraordinary lesson. More than one of your talk we infected your passion for the classics and willing to do homework.
Thanks also to the editorial Edebé several books for gifts. With Casildo, Anna, Daniel and how did Days may be a success. With Mariano Coronas for his good humor and his company for a wonderful tour through Merida and Beatriz Osés , professor of Language and Literature at the IES Los Moriscos (Hornachos Badajoz) and writer, who introduced me My involvement with secondary school teachers.
I leave the video presentation "The magic of reading" Rosa Navarro delivered at the conference "Family and school with the keys to school success" in April 2008:
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