With the reissue of Dressmaking 've come to number 15 of our publications.
Each of the booklets published by "Brown Cows" (in a limited quantity) is a traditional process: once designed and made the layout of the book is laid paper photocopy, then Shearing, sort pages, is mounted the book is stapled, edges are equal and hit each a different object that makes it unique. You can find the full publicacones catalog on our blog . You enjoy reading both of us with its manufacture.
Isabel Castillo and Raul Vacas

The first edition was a special gift that we did in 2002 (Charts Lope). You can still find copies in some bookstores as Victor Jara (Salamanca). Threads
Isabel Brown (minifiction)

minifiction You can read the blog of Isabel Castaño
old and some chirping birds
Isabel Brown (minifiction)

You can read the blog of Isabel Castaño
A mist Caron powders
Carmen Brown and Elizabeth Brown
A stroll down memory lane through
mother can read it on the blog Isabel Castaño
This special edition is exhausted, but pending reissue.
Raul Vacas (haiku)
Snapshots of religious life in a village childhood.
Raul Vacas (haiku)
Different meanings of the word "road" turned into haikus.
I confess that I smoked
Raul Vacas (poetry)
Everything is possible with the last puff or the last kiss.
The heat of the lips alone
Raul Vacas (poetry)
Love is a good excuse against everything.
The death magnet
Raul Vacas (poetry)
death. The largest of the predatory beasts. The most voracious. The more secretive. The one who never quits.
And these are the books we have published the work of our CREATIVE WRITING WORKSHOPS
From the root to leaf
Writing as fruit
selection of texts workshop root to leaf (Isabel Brown, Alicia Chicote, Esther Aguilar, Monty Sonsona, Lourdes Muriel, Angela Galán, Xuan Folger, Berta Ocaña, Goab, Gloria Castillo and Liliana Mabel Savoia)
The slightest
minifiction Workshop
Text selection workshop slightest thing (Gloria Castillo, Miguel Nunez Natividad Gomez, Goab, Gabriela Morales, Susana and Isabel Castaño Barragués)
The slightest II Workshop minifiction
Selected Texts Workshop II slightest thing (Wormwood, Bert White, Sise and Zeno)
The slightest III Workshop minifiction
Selected Texts The smallest workshop III (Folger Xuan, Angela Galán, Gloria Castaño, Esther Aguilar, Miguel Núñez and Isabel Brown).
Zoom, 17 mm.
haiku workshop
Workshop Selected Texts Zoom, 17 mm. (Arroba, Felizia, Josue Espartza, Oak, Sakura, Teresa Bordona, Vincent Camps, Ivy)
Zoom, 17 mm. II
haiku workshop
Selected Texts
workshop Zoom, 17 mm. II (Esther Aguilar, Liliana Mabel Savoia, Edurne Arroyo, Folger Xuan, Yu and Garcia Baralides)
Sales and orders: Library
Miguel Nunez,
Bitterness 11, Zamora
Tlfn: 980 510 439
or in devacasycastano@yahoo.es
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