just arrived in my mailbox the next call. I sends Sol Mari Garcia. I hope you difundáis:
Given the unfair and inexplicable works being undertaken within Gredos Regional Park, which is zoned SPA and SCI of the European Natura 2000 network, tolerated by the Junta de Castilla y León and the Tagus River Basin, where it is deriving water from the Sierra to promote private interests an alleged macrourbanización of 431 villas and a large hotel, at the expense of destroying the only protected area, and ruining a large area of \u200b\u200bnative forest, vital for the environment Candeleda Township. And because the water
all Candeledana it are being blatantly commercial benefits for private and entirely illegal, from the Platform Against Speculation Candeleda Urban and Environmental We called a demonstration for next Friday, the 28 this month of August at 20.30 hours in the town of Candeleda (Ávila).

The beginning of the meeting will be at the Plaza Mayor of Candeleda (where is located the Town Hall). There, the spokespersons of the Platform will attend the journalists, and then will tour the different streets of the town, ending at the site known as the Canada where we will read the final manifesto. WE STEAL
GREDOS! Is the theme for this event, and corresponds to the alarm you want to convey to people the environment geographical neighborhood and society at large to the latest events we are living in this town of Avila in connection with the irregularities that have the headworks, conveyance and construction of a warehouse of 750,000 liters, intended for water supply balance macrourbanización " Candelas de Gredos ", promoted by the private construction Monteblanco Dávila, SL. All these works are being carried out within the protected area of \u200b\u200bGredos, without undergoing the environmental assessment processes and to brazenly breach the conditions imposed by the two administrations tolerant.
Candeleda can not afford to ruin its unique environment, nor can consent to carry the water they need the current inhabitants of the municipality by a company that seeks only economic benefits in exchange for destroying the most valuable of the municipality, ie, its nature, its landscape and water.
This demonstration is part of many other actions (including legal) being carried out by the Platform Against Speculation Candeleda and Environmental Planner. For this reason we ask you to give proper disclosure of it, being happy at your disposal, can contact us at the following phone designated spokespersons: Pilar
Diego: 629 627 431
Jesus Dutil: 687 488 312
Fernando Martín: 600 798 431
PO No 179. 05480
Candeleda (Ávila).
E-mail: nourbanizacioncandeleda@hotmail.com
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