My admired Gonzalo Moure send me an email with good news. He and many other people mentioned in the information Drafting Bubisher Transcribed then made it possible for all children in the Sahara have the opportunity to enjoy Bubisher wonderful books thanks to a truck equipped as a bookmobile, which runs the refugee camps to bring hope, hope, love and good luck.
And I dream about the possibility of traveling to the Sahara in a few months to share with older children and I have learned of poetry.
The Bubisher is the result of the unit. Union of ideas, joint efforts
The project was born in San Narciso College in Marin, Pontevedra. His students, who had worked with the Saharawi refugees buying a shipment of hearing aids for children in the camps, had the idea of \u200b\u200bgetting to their schools reading books. When "Writers for the Sahara" spoke of the difficulty of moving there, the students thought of a bookmobile. Seemingly innocent, the idea was excellent, and began to become reality, with the help of the association of writers. Would also need money, the students of San Narciso decided to raise it, at 30 cents a week for their own expenses. With that money, about $ 3,000 a year, is intended to cover staff costs and maintenance Saharan bookmobile. One thing that work councils like Fraga, Huesca, and associations such as The Bridge, in the same locality. But it was
someone needs to make the donation of the bus, to be reformed. Closed the doors of the Cervantes Institute and the ministries of the English state, appealed to the Basque Government, at the suggestion of parliamentary Txomin Aurrekoetxea, a leading proponent of the Saharawi cause. The Lehendakari response was almost instantaneous. And the Association of Friends of the Saharawi people of the Basque Country, which dealt with the transformation of the mobile library vehicle, its decoration and setup. And of his baptism: Bubisher, the bird symbolizes good luck in the Sahara, and that it was the title of an anthology of poetry in Castilian Sahara.
Good luck finding was also Merche collaboration Carramiñana Caballud and Carmen, a professor and teacher, National Award for Promoting Reading both reading groups for their "Reading Together." Drafted a player to bring enough copies to schools Saharawi reading books (for loan and reading), taking into account the ages and levels of students (between 8 and 12). The plan was sent to Reader's leading publishers state level, without exceptions responded with generosity and without any cuts: SM, Anaya, Edelvives, Everest, Kalandraka, Kokinos, Ekaré
Media Vaca ... Immediately, the project Bubisher was greeted with enthusiasm by the ministries education and culture of the Saharawi government and its representative in Spain. And found her accommodation in a generous curriculum at the University of Alicante, who began to be launched this autumn.
The Bubisher be located in the camp on February 27 and from there will also cover the wilaya of Laayoune and Smara, which concentrates most of the exiled population. It is obvious that the project may not be complete until they also meet the needs of the wilaya of Dakhla, the farthest, and the Ausserd. The need Bubisher twins.
Finally, we must talk about volunteers. The Bubsiher will be attended by a driver and a cheerleader-library Sahrawi, and led by the University of Alicante, but also needs English volunteers familiar with the promotion of reading, so that its operation is ideal. Despite having not yet started to roll, and there are dozens of volunteers from throughout the English state, and even beyond, willing to give part of their holidays by going to the Saharawi schools keep books, stories, and dreams to people who need culture to survive in the most inhospitable land on the planet.
has been so many people who somehow wanted to work with the idea of \u200b\u200bchildren in the Colegio San Narciso that we may have committed some forgetfulness. Therefore we can not fail to mention Poems by the Sahara Libre, which has always understood that culture is an invisible bread, but as necessary as the other, or association "4x4 solidarity."
do now is bring the Bubisher as Saharawi popular wisdom, good luck.
have more information on this link:
And I dream about the possibility of traveling to the Sahara in a few months to share with older children and I have learned of poetry.
The Bubisher is the result of the unit. Union of ideas, joint efforts
The project was born in San Narciso College in Marin, Pontevedra. His students, who had worked with the Saharawi refugees buying a shipment of hearing aids for children in the camps, had the idea of \u200b\u200bgetting to their schools reading books. When "Writers for the Sahara" spoke of the difficulty of moving there, the students thought of a bookmobile. Seemingly innocent, the idea was excellent, and began to become reality, with the help of the association of writers. Would also need money, the students of San Narciso decided to raise it, at 30 cents a week for their own expenses. With that money, about $ 3,000 a year, is intended to cover staff costs and maintenance Saharan bookmobile. One thing that work councils like Fraga, Huesca, and associations such as The Bridge, in the same locality. But it was
someone needs to make the donation of the bus, to be reformed. Closed the doors of the Cervantes Institute and the ministries of the English state, appealed to the Basque Government, at the suggestion of parliamentary Txomin Aurrekoetxea, a leading proponent of the Saharawi cause. The Lehendakari response was almost instantaneous. And the Association of Friends of the Saharawi people of the Basque Country, which dealt with the transformation of the mobile library vehicle, its decoration and setup. And of his baptism: Bubisher, the bird symbolizes good luck in the Sahara, and that it was the title of an anthology of poetry in Castilian Sahara.
Good luck finding was also Merche collaboration Carramiñana Caballud and Carmen, a professor and teacher, National Award for Promoting Reading both reading groups for their "Reading Together." Drafted a player to bring enough copies to schools Saharawi reading books (for loan and reading), taking into account the ages and levels of students (between 8 and 12). The plan was sent to Reader's leading publishers state level, without exceptions responded with generosity and without any cuts: SM, Anaya, Edelvives, Everest, Kalandraka, Kokinos, Ekaré
Media Vaca ... Immediately, the project Bubisher was greeted with enthusiasm by the ministries education and culture of the Saharawi government and its representative in Spain. And found her accommodation in a generous curriculum at the University of Alicante, who began to be launched this autumn.
The Bubisher be located in the camp on February 27 and from there will also cover the wilaya of Laayoune and Smara, which concentrates most of the exiled population. It is obvious that the project may not be complete until they also meet the needs of the wilaya of Dakhla, the farthest, and the Ausserd. The need Bubisher twins.
Finally, we must talk about volunteers. The Bubsiher will be attended by a driver and a cheerleader-library Sahrawi, and led by the University of Alicante, but also needs English volunteers familiar with the promotion of reading, so that its operation is ideal. Despite having not yet started to roll, and there are dozens of volunteers from throughout the English state, and even beyond, willing to give part of their holidays by going to the Saharawi schools keep books, stories, and dreams to people who need culture to survive in the most inhospitable land on the planet.
has been so many people who somehow wanted to work with the idea of \u200b\u200bchildren in the Colegio San Narciso that we may have committed some forgetfulness. Therefore we can not fail to mention Poems by the Sahara Libre, which has always understood that culture is an invisible bread, but as necessary as the other, or association "4x4 solidarity."
do now is bring the Bubisher as Saharawi popular wisdom, good luck.
have more information on this link:
And to show a button
THE BIRD THAT BRINGS GOOD LUCK from Irene Bailo on Vimeo .
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