In this issue we will list the different policy areas in which a professional can perform the task of adult education, but to do so, first of all, it is interesting that we define the concept of adult education in order to understand the scope the concept.
In July of 1997 was held in Hamburg (Germany) V International Conference on Adult Education organized by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization United Nations). In the Hamburg Declaration on Adult Education is defined adult education as follows: Definition
In this issue we will list the different policy areas in which a professional can perform the task of adult education, but to do so, first of all, it is interesting that we define the concept of adult education in order to understand the scope the concept.
In July of 1997 was held in Hamburg (Germany) V International Conference on Adult Education organized by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization United Nations). In the Hamburg Declaration on Adult Education is defined adult education as follows: Definition
adult education
"Adult education denotes the entire process of learning, formal or otherwise, to people that society considers adults develop their abilities, enrich their knowledge and improve their technical or professional qualifications or to redirect meet their own needs and those of society. Adult education includes formal education and lifelong non-formal education and the full range of opportunities for informal and incidental learning available in a multicultural learning society, which recognizes the theoretical and practice-based. " (UNESCO, 1997).
Following the Declaration of Hamburg, education becomes education throughout life and is, therefore, more than a right is a key twenty-first century. It is at the same time, a consequence of active citizenship and a condition for full participation in society. It is a powerful concept for promoting ecologically sustainable development, to promote democracy, justice and equality
women and men and the scientific, economic and social as well as to build a world in which violent conflict is replaced by dialogue and a culture of peace based on justice. Adult learning can shape identity and give meaning to life. Learning throughout life implies a rethinking of education content to reflect such factors as age, gender equality, disability, language, culture and economic disparities.
From all this, it follows the broad scope that may develop a person who is dedicated to educating adults and that we describe.
women and men and the scientific, economic and social as well as to build a world in which violent conflict is replaced by dialogue and a culture of peace based on justice. Adult learning can shape identity and give meaning to life. Learning throughout life implies a rethinking of education content to reflect such factors as age, gender equality, disability, language, culture and economic disparities.
From all this, it follows the broad scope that may develop a person who is dedicated to educating adults and that we describe.
The trainer of adults can play its occupation in many areas of education, culture and science. All these people the catalog with the same label even though its subject matter is radically different, but the task of training is common to all.
Next we list the different areas of activity of the trainer of adults:
scope of adult literacy. One area of \u200b\u200bwork of a trainer is adult literacy. Literacy is regarded as knowledge and basic skills needed by all people in a world that is rapidly evolving and that go beyond simple read, write and count, since it includes in addition, provide an integral personal growth and preparation for participation in exercise socio-economic, cultural and independent of the environment where he lives. For the socio-political and cultural in which they live, many people have no access to education in his childhood and adolescence and adulthood is when they finally get access to the educational system to become literate.
scope of integration and empowerment of women. Women are entitled to equal opportunities; in turn, society depends on their full contribution in all fields of work and all aspects of life. Therefore, education, integration and equal opportunities for women became another field of action for the trainer of adults, given the clear disadvantage in access to education compared with men. Scope
culture of peace and education for citizenship and democracy. One of the greatest challenges of our time is to eliminate the culture of violence and building a culture of peace based on justice and tolerance
in which dialogue and negotiation will replace violence in the home and community, within a nation and across countries. The trainer can carry out their duties to work in this area.
scope of diversity and equality. Adult education should reflect the richness of cultural diversity and respect traditional knowledge and indigenous systems of learning, it should be respected and the right to learn in their mother tongue. One of the most difficult tasks to be fulfilled adult education is that of preserving and documenting the oral wisdom of minority groups, indigenous peoples and nomadic peoples. In turn, intercultural education should encourage learning between and about different cultures in support of peace, human rights and fundamental freedoms, democracy, justice, freedom, coexistence and diversity.
scope of health education. Health is a basic human right. Investments in education are investments in health. Education throughout life can contribute significantly to health promotion and disease prevention. Adult education offers significant opportunities to provide appropriate access, equitable and sustainable access to health knowledge.
Scope of environmental sustainability. Education for a sustainable environment must be a process that lasts a lifetime and to enable learning that ecological problems exist within a socio-economic, political and cultural. Can not think of a sustainable future without addressing the relationship between environmental issues and current development paradigms. Educating adults about the environment can play an important role in sensitizing and mobilizing communities and policy makers towards sustained environmental action.
scope of occupational training. Globalization, changes in production patterns, rising unemployment and difficulties for the upkeep require more active labor market policies and more investment to develop skills for women and men to participate in the labor market and in-generating activities income. The trainer dedicated to the skills of workers becomes an important role today.
Field of Information Technologies and Communication. Access to information. The expansion of new information technologies and communication brings with it new dangers of social exclusion and Boral
for groups of individuals and even businesses which are unable to adapt to this context. Therefore, one of the functions of adult education in the future should be to limit these risks of exclusion, so the information society does not lose sight of the human dimension. Scope of collective
older. Today in the world more elderly population than ever before, and the proportion is growing. These older adults can contribute greatly to the development of society. Therefore, it is important to have the opportunity to learn on an equal basis and in appropriate ways. Their skills and abilities must be recognized, valued and used. Scope
group of people with disabilities. According to the Declaration of Salamanca, it should promote the integration and access for people living with disabilities. These people are entitled to equitable learning opportunities that recognize and respond to their needs and goals of education, and which meets their needs Special teaching techniques appropriate learning.
As we can see, there are many areas in which an instructor can play their occupation, all depends on where you frame your work, the productive sector in which it is immersed and the interests and skills they possess the same trainer. But regardless of their background knowledge, the place to develop its training and programming content of its own teaching, the task of training has a common set of guidelines apply to all professionals involved in adult education. Throughout this chapter, we will continue examining their qualifications, job skills and abilities their own professional work.
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